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Author: Reid Acree

Can You Work While on Workers’ Comp in North Carolina?

Fri Jun 14th, by Workers Compensation |

If you are currently injured due to an employment-related incident and are receiving workers’ compensation, it is normal to ask, “Can you work while on workers’ comp in North Carolina?” The answer is that in some cases, this is possible, and in others it is not. M. Reid Acree, Jr, […]

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What Is the Maximum Workers’ Comp Settlement in North Carolina?

Wed Jun 12th, by Workers Compensation |

If you are navigating workers’ compensation benefits, you may be wondering, “What is the maximum workers’ compensation settlement in North Carolina?” M. Reid Acree, Jr., Attorney at Law, a Salisbury workers’ compensation law firm, provides insight into this topic. North Carolina does not hold a predefined “maximum” workers’ compensation settlement […]

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Do All Workers’ Comp Cases End in a Settlement in North Carolina?

Tue Jun 11th, by Workers Compensation |

If you are navigating a workers’ compensation case, you may have many questions that you are asking yourself, including “Do all workers’ comp cases end in a settlement in North Carolina?” M. Reid Acree, Jr, Attorney at Law, a local Salisbury workers’ compensation law firm, is here to help answer […]

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Should You Stay Off Work With a Bad Back?

Sun May 5th, by Work Injury |

Workplace injuries are a common occurrence among employees. One of the most commonly reported injuries in the workplace is a back injury, which can lead to serious long-term effects if left untreated. This leads to an important question: Should you stay off work with a bad back? You may wonder […]

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